Hope everyone had a great time! Just catching up, as we went away for Easter weekend and was away until basically yesterday.
I've travelled the country - went down to Wales (Pembrokeshire at the very bottom tip) on 'the way' to Cornwall.. took us about 5 hours out of the way but it was nice to see my friends and their partners as they'd hired a cottage for the weekend in a very rural little village on the coast. Here is me in suitably unsuitable beach attire (everyone else was in hiking gear and laughed at me) collecting driftwood which I always do with the intention of making things and then leave in a bag somewhere..
Did an easter egg hunt for my son (aged 3) which was good fun as I don't think he remembers the time we tried to last year! The easter bunny made a point of writing our names on them this time though so he didn't think they were all fair game!
We visited Skomer Island too -
http://www.rosemoor.com/IPFiles/Nationalpark/skomer.html - and saw many a puffin and lots of grey seals which was pretty cool. And it didn't start raining until the following day - not bad for Wales (or the UK in general on an Easter weekend!)
Nobody else about, so nice and peaceful!
Then on to Cornwall which was lovely as ever (if a little damp!), and an overnight drive back home Friday morning to avoid roadworks and holiday traffic. No more pics though, you'll be relieved to hear. But there you go, a full report on my week. I've been doing scrapbooks for pre-school so forgive me going on, I'm obviously thinking that way at the moment!
I have to say thogh, there has ben an awful lot of nature and walking and outdoors and I am DESPERATE to go vintage hunting. I may have to hit the town in the morning, even though I should be listing things...

Is it just me that gets shopping withdrawal? That and no internet connection, or even a mobile phone signal sends me a bit over the edge after a while
Anyway it's good to be home!