Happy Easter Everyone!

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We are staying home for Easter and having an Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard Sunday afternoon (if it doesn't rain). Having ham and all the trimmings for lunch.

What is everyone else up to?
I wish I could say that I am relaxing the whole day.......*sigh*

We sold our house and have to move to an apartment for 3 months while the new house is getting built. The people that bought the house wants us out before the 21st so they can be out of there apartment before May 1st.....

So going to church, doing a lunch gathering at the church and the egg hunt and the off to move the heavy stuff that I couldn't while hubby was at work....:barf:

Oh do I hate moving. makes you realize what you have and then made hubby realize how much vintage I had hidden away from him...:USING:
:P Oh, I know the feeling. Happy Easter and Happy moving.
Happy Easter to you too!!

I'm getting together with the family on Sunday! The rest of the long weekend is for catching up on work & projects!

Trying to get organised so I can start blitzing businesses around T.O. for The Female Eye Film Festival. I offered to do the gift bags for all the ...guests of honor...directors etc. I've never done this before. All I've got so far is chocolate & haircare products!!! LOL!!! Any ideas are more then welcome!

The Festival motto is "Always honest, not always pretty" :clapping: he he he!
Hope everyone had a great time! Just catching up, as we went away for Easter weekend and was away until basically yesterday.

I've travelled the country - went down to Wales (Pembrokeshire at the very bottom tip) on 'the way' to Cornwall.. took us about 5 hours out of the way but it was nice to see my friends and their partners as they'd hired a cottage for the weekend in a very rural little village on the coast. Here is me in suitably unsuitable beach attire (everyone else was in hiking gear and laughed at me) collecting driftwood which I always do with the intention of making things and then leave in a bag somewhere..

Did an easter egg hunt for my son (aged 3) which was good fun as I don't think he remembers the time we tried to last year! The easter bunny made a point of writing our names on them this time though so he didn't think they were all fair game!

We visited Skomer Island too - http://www.rosemoor.com/IPFiles/Nationalpark/skomer.html - and saw many a puffin and lots of grey seals which was pretty cool. And it didn't start raining until the following day - not bad for Wales (or the UK in general on an Easter weekend!)

Nobody else about, so nice and peaceful!

Then on to Cornwall which was lovely as ever (if a little damp!), and an overnight drive back home Friday morning to avoid roadworks and holiday traffic. No more pics though, you'll be relieved to hear. But there you go, a full report on my week. I've been doing scrapbooks for pre-school so forgive me going on, I'm obviously thinking that way at the moment!

I have to say thogh, there has ben an awful lot of nature and walking and outdoors and I am DESPERATE to go vintage hunting. I may have to hit the town in the morning, even though I should be listing things... :horny:
Is it just me that gets shopping withdrawal? That and no internet connection, or even a mobile phone signal sends me a bit over the edge after a while :wacko:

Anyway it's good to be home!
