Hat Parade!

And did you think Easter was the only showing....????? :)

From the millinery department.....for your viewing


Yves Saint Laurent


Civil War Era winter bonnet - good study/pattern pc


Andre' - Canada


Christine Original - New York



D'Youville Original - Gerber




Chandra for B Forman Custom Hat Shop.

All are in either the Ebay store or the Mall store! Come peeky.
Wow! Barbara that is a fantastic selection - I never used to be a hat person but recently am developing a bit of a thing for them... These are gorgeous, and your photo's are great too :)
Those are lovely and the pictures are great!! I have quite a few hats that need a little sprucing up. How do you do it? Do you steam them?
"fabulous selection are they all yours??" ......
Well, currently it all mine - but of course they could be YOURS! LOL :USING: I'm just the temporary keeper ;)

Thanks ladies.....I have discovered a neat little corner in my shop that with proper lighting (two different angles) I'm getting great results! Very little photo editing too which is a real time saver of course! One tip I do, push the camera to a + exposure and no flash. I have a sony and I use up to + 1.3 exposure setting under the two lights.

Cleaning..... Try to buy in best shape I can. Yes - sometimes I steam. Everything gets thoroughly vacumed and then I go to town with my toothbrush! (That little ol' tool has helped me sell oooodles of product from Victorian jet beadwork to beaver top hats to all kinds of ladies hats!) Old soft paint brushes are good too.

Patience is always the key.

I just bought my manniquin head on ebay for $38 and I'm thrilled she has joined the "shop staff". I actually like her bald ...but will probably look for "the right" wig eventually.
She has the longest curled eyelashes!