Help dating London Fog trench coat

Emjays Burrow

Registered Guest
I have a London Fog Maincoats complete with summer lining and removable winter lining. The labels are in both French and English. The coat is made from 'Glengarry cloth' but is not a tartan, where as the removable lining is 'St Ives Cloth' and is a tartan like design. It feels vintage, really well made.
Reg TM LondonTown Corporation M.D.
I know that Maryland was the headquarters. I have done some research, and have seen mentions of the coats being made in the UK at some point (no dates) which may relate to the names of the fabric used. I also wonder if there is a Canadian connection with the bilingual labels, or is the French a reflection of the fashion industry biasing in the early days??
I have cropped the main label to upload it I do have more photos but seem to have used all allowable space :)
Hoping someone knows more
Many thanks for being there :)
Mel - Emjays Burrow


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Your item has a CA number (rather than an RN number) so that indicates Canadian origin. According to THIS, Londontown was "heavily into licensing agreements". The majority of ads I find for London Fog Maincoats are from the 1970s but do range from the late 50s to the early 80s. Oddly, the CA number 00901 search comes back as being issued in 1997. (But according to their About page, Freed & Freed has been around since 1921.)
Hopefully, others will chime in with their thoughts!

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Your item has a CA number (rather than an RN number) so that indicates Canadian origin. According to THIS, Londontown was "heavily into licensing agreements". The majority of ads I find for London Fog Maincoats are from the 1970s but do range from the late 50s to the early 80s. Oddly, the CA number 00901 search comes back as being issued in 1997. (But according to their About page, Freed & Freed has been around since 1921.)
Hopefully, others will chime in with their thoughts!

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See my recent question on CA numbers for an explanation of why so many come back as dating to 1997.
1997 is when the records were computerized. It was up to the holders of the CA# to request the date be changed to reflect either the date they acquired a CA#, or started their business, or altered the nature of their business from a private to public company, or from a Limited to other type of corporation... etc. Only a few have made that request, and in many cases the holders of the original CA#s have gone out of business.
See my recent question on CA numbers for an explanation of why so many come back as dating to 1997.
1997 is when the records were computerized. It was up to the holders of the CA# to request the date be changed to reflect either the date they acquired a CA#, or started their business, or altered the nature of their business from a private to public company, or from a Limited to other type of corporation... etc. Only a few have made that request, and in many cases the holders of the original CA#s have gone out of business.

Thank you, both, for this reminder! Of course I now recall that discussion, LOL. oopsemoti
Thank you for your help, and I apologise for the delay in responding. Amongst other things I have had my left thumb joint replaced, mobility is getting back to normal but takes its time at the start of a day! :)
There is so much to learn and love, I appreciate all knowledge here and often get sidetracked down rabbit holes just reading queries and answers Ha ha.
Thanks one and all
Mel :)