Help Identifying Fur Needed!


Registered Guest

I've looked up fur resource and online here there and everywhere and when I think I might have identified the fur on this stole, something doesn't quite fit description wise.

There is no label.

There is what I call collar grippers (don't know the terminology) on both sides to clasp and hug the fur to the neck and seam pockets on either side further down. Can be worn as a wrap as well. Satin lined. When I was airing the fur, I noticed silver guard hairs throughout, but can only be seen in the right light. The pelts are horizontal, there are 6 plus two shorter ones on each end.

Your help would be great, cos this is driving me mad!





That looks super-snugly and warm :) I thought sable fur had silver hairs running through? The pelts are quite small though. Basically I've not a clue but I'm sure someone with knowledge in this area can help. It looks in lovely condition. Perhaps if you could send another photo with a more close-up image of the fur? :)
Louise, thanks for your reply, yes I'll try and get a close up of the fur, which will help. Sure is warm and in fabulous condition. Yeah, I believe sable does have silver hairs running through, but as you say, they're small pelts :scratchchin:

Suzanne, before I posted this topic I searched online and I narrowed it down to maybe beaver, rabbit, sable (in hope) and squirrel, so it was interesting you say could be squirrel. It's confusing though, cos with each of those, from the photos it's either the pelts look different/run vertically or have a real gloss to them, not enough for me to go 'Yes that's the one!'. Squirrel has been the closest to being the nearest but pelts running vertically on the ones online made me unsure. Do you have a pic of your cape? If so that could well help determine my fur.

As I say, will take a close up later.

:icon_dante: Morning Louise!

Just enlarged the photo, I know photos on forum meant to be smaller, but couldn't see it properly smaller.

Didnt think it was a glossy coat, but when sun shining then yes, it 'glistens' as fur would I guess! (I love squirrels, feel bit funny now that I might have had 8 of em wrapped around me last night!)

Actually the pelts are pretty small...sounding more and more like Squirrel Nutkins as we go along.... (am I confusing the silver hairs, with just gloss? Oh my :embaressed:

Here's pic from back:

Oh, I've been up so long I think it's later than it is, patience is not one of my virtues (I have been told many times!). Forget they're :asleep:

Had to go out shopping and popped into my friendly dry cleaners for his opinion and he said FAKE fur, and then I popped into the antique shop to see my lovely antique seller and he looked at it and used his magnifying glass and said it WAS fur, but was unsure what fur it was! :icon_wall: I'm now going to lie down in a quiet darkened room! :insane:

Oh, I looked through the magniying glass and definitely silver hairs. However there is black on the other side of the fur, which is what the dry cleaning man pointed out and made him deduce it was fake.


I'm no help on identifying the fur (sorry) but can say that I doubt very much that it's fake. You can see the little pelts - any one making a coat out of fake fur is not going to chop it into little pieces and stitch it up just so it makes that pattern. My two cents worth but hey - here in Australia we don't see a lot of fur so if it's not fox or something really common I'm clueless.

Thanks for feedback. Well at least the consensus is that it's real fur.

I did look up muskrat and fisher on fur resource but from photo couldn't be sure. I'll google for more images on both of those, and then if I'm still unsure and no-one else knows, then I'll list as fur stole, fur unknown. Any ideas on date though? Got some fashion books and more coming, but ones I have don't hit on fur stoles. I'm thinking 50s.

Thanks Louise! I'm actually going to keep this stole as it's great for chilly evenings when I'm hunched over the pc's soooooo soft and warm.
