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Hello all,
This is an identification question, not as much for a specific piece as to understand some principles to help me figure out a number of pieces.
My uncle had multiple small and some larger pieces that appear to be either mink or sable/marten. Some have tails, feet and faces, some just the tails & fur, and some only fur. I have tried looking across the internet to understand what a live mink looks like as compared to a live marten or sable, and especially on mink the tails appeared to be more slender, sleek and fuzzy, whereas the sable tails appeared more voluminous, long-haired & fluffy, like on the VFG Sable resource page (kind of like the difference between a short-haired vs long-haired cat's tail). But on ebay, other auction sites, etc, I keep finding pelts identified as mink (even on their original tags) that have larger, fluffier tails with longer hair that I would have thought were sable. So these are my questions:
1. Can anyone direct me to a resource that clearly compares the differences between the furs of mink, marten, & sable to help with identification? (Tails, other markings [like sable - light neck "bandana"; mink - often small white chin patch], distinguishing features of fur, etc.) Personal tips for telling apart mink and sable/marten from pics are gladly accepted too!
2. I have read that farmed mink have thicker coats than wild mink, which might be part of what can make them look closer to sable? Again, whether my keywords or my search engine was the limiter, I didn't turn up satisfactory resources comparing farmed vs wild. Any resources demonstrating the pelt differences?
I have been able to hold and feel some examples of very soft sable/marten and mink, and think I could judge better by feel (mink fur more directional; sable fur comfortable being brushed in all directions, etc), but am largely having to rely on visual cues for identification via pics at a distance right now. I was hoping to not weigh everyone here down by posting every single piece, & so wanted to learn how to figure this out.
I am including 4 sets of items simply as examples to illustrate what I'm trying to figure out. I am happy to post other better pics of them if desired, so please don't stress about identifying them in these small pictures. They're just examples.
I am sorry for the long "book" explaining this. :( Thank you for the patience of all who get through it!
This is an identification question, not as much for a specific piece as to understand some principles to help me figure out a number of pieces.
My uncle had multiple small and some larger pieces that appear to be either mink or sable/marten. Some have tails, feet and faces, some just the tails & fur, and some only fur. I have tried looking across the internet to understand what a live mink looks like as compared to a live marten or sable, and especially on mink the tails appeared to be more slender, sleek and fuzzy, whereas the sable tails appeared more voluminous, long-haired & fluffy, like on the VFG Sable resource page (kind of like the difference between a short-haired vs long-haired cat's tail). But on ebay, other auction sites, etc, I keep finding pelts identified as mink (even on their original tags) that have larger, fluffier tails with longer hair that I would have thought were sable. So these are my questions:
1. Can anyone direct me to a resource that clearly compares the differences between the furs of mink, marten, & sable to help with identification? (Tails, other markings [like sable - light neck "bandana"; mink - often small white chin patch], distinguishing features of fur, etc.) Personal tips for telling apart mink and sable/marten from pics are gladly accepted too!
2. I have read that farmed mink have thicker coats than wild mink, which might be part of what can make them look closer to sable? Again, whether my keywords or my search engine was the limiter, I didn't turn up satisfactory resources comparing farmed vs wild. Any resources demonstrating the pelt differences?
I have been able to hold and feel some examples of very soft sable/marten and mink, and think I could judge better by feel (mink fur more directional; sable fur comfortable being brushed in all directions, etc), but am largely having to rely on visual cues for identification via pics at a distance right now. I was hoping to not weigh everyone here down by posting every single piece, & so wanted to learn how to figure this out.
I am including 4 sets of items simply as examples to illustrate what I'm trying to figure out. I am happy to post other better pics of them if desired, so please don't stress about identifying them in these small pictures. They're just examples.
I am sorry for the long "book" explaining this. :( Thank you for the patience of all who get through it!