Help with man's knit vest please...


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Help with man\'s knit vest please...

Hello everyone,
Knit vest - front is patterned, back is solid, button front, vertical button holes, 2 pockets, elastic band in back waist. What pattern would you call the front - tweed knit?
Has anyone saw this label before? It is part english and part Italian? Era?

Heck, just go ahead and write the listing for me!

Thanks bunches in advance,

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Its hard to see a knit on a puter. I would tend to call it a flat knit in a tweed design.

Nice label Mens club Alex Never heard of Alex.

I have absolutely no idea of an era I am not real good with mens clothing.

But it is nice I can see an English Ivy covered cottage with a library a guy with a pipe and an irish setter at his feet.
I can see an English Ivy covered cottage with a library a guy with a pipe and an irish setter at his feet.

:D Me too :D

the style looks late 50s early 60s... I don't know much more than that but if I come across anything similar in my 50s/60s magazines I'll let you know.

love, moons and starrs,
I would say late 50s too, but I'm rather hopeless with men's stuff, especially since the styles really don't seem to change alot over several decades.

I'm assuming from the "Roma...etc" that this is Italian made?

Need a pipe, too and a tweed hat!

Nice vest. Agree on date.
I just found the neatest mag pic for this fromt he last Vogue. Will try to scan it for you.
Very nice! I wish it were a touch bigger. It is a US 42. (subtract 10 from Italian topcoat/jacket/vest sizes to get US - the formula is different for trousers and shirts) I think this is late 50s - 60s and it is definitely Italian all the way. I believe the two stores were probably owned by the same people and they used one label for both.