holy moley look at all the jewelry - Lots of pics


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
I am busy working on a jewelry lot (yup= still the humane society estate). I am not finished, but i thought i would sneak preview what I put together so far... there are quite a few signed pieces in here. (trifari, coro, dubarry, art, hong kong and japan marked - maybe more)The scanner just didn't do the rhinestomes justice but i think people get the idea.

#5 are two twin AB brooches/scatter pins...scanner really doesn't do justice




the beads are longer than normal ones you see.
I have to take an extra photo of the cameo - the metal is not black. It is very "3D so the scanner interpreted that way. Is really patina'ed brass. It has a clip to make it a necklace if you are sick of wearing it as a brooch. Note comparison with quarter - its a big one!
What lovely pieces, Chris! Love the bull and bull fighter - very cool! Is No. 19 rolled stones? - my mom used to make things along those lines.

You should do extremely well with that lot.
Thanks! And i really hope it all does well. I had a hard time not wanting to keep the chartreuse necklace and the Coro bracelet that is #3 (it is really much more stunning in person) and the matador set, but had to keep telling myself "its for the puppies! I must stay strong!"

The yellow is actually a plastic.

I have to finish this....there are more pieces!. I have also a lot of necklaces that look very similar to eachother so have to figure out how many Iwill inlcude.

There is also enough (after I get to all the other things that would go in this one) to do a second lot of the later pieces of "Totally 80s" jewelry. I can put them all in one, but I am thinking if i split them up they would appeal to two different customers perhaps (still thinking on that!)
Let's see - so far marked...

#1 Trifari with hangtag
#3, #14 Coro
#4 Dubarry - marked simulated pearl on hangtag
#8 marked "Art" (which was around from 1950-1980)
#9 A really neat watch marked Agwa
#19 Hong Kong
#20 Japan

There is something else that is marked Coro, I just have to look again.

Linda, it all depends when I get this all done! I am going to take an hour today and plow through some more. Its going to be at least a 35-40 piece lot, but could end up being 80 by the time i am done.. I want to list it when I get the hats together also and do a few really good lots together so they can benefit from "group marketing"
Chris, this looks like a great lot! Let us know when you list.

Not my style, but I really like the vaseline-green shade necklace and also that corn-niblet yellow one.

Chris, what a great lot! Some of this is just stunning! I adore the matador set, and don't wonder that you were tempted to keep it--I could not have helped myself on that one... Are those earrings at #11 jet? i really like the looks of those. And #8--is that a pendant or a brooch? In any case, I like that one as well. Actually there isn't anything there I wouldn't take in a heartbeat!
Number 8 is a brooch...but I suppose you could loop through the clasp if you wanted to.

#11 is actually dark emerald green, not black (need to perk up that photo!)

Sue...hee hee''' "Corn Niblet Yellow". Will have to check Sherwin Willians or Benjamin Moore to see if they had the idea to use that one yet!
Number 8 is cool, kind of reminiscent of a coronet or shield? But definitely sparkly, which is the best part.

I like pretty much all of them. How much more have you got to sort Chris?
How much more have you got to sort Chris?

You don't want to know LOL. I am getting down to almost the point where its all beaded necklaces almost. (not that its a bad thing)

Here is photo number 5 - MORe to come.

Hey Sue...more corn niblet yellow :) Actually up close, this one looks like frosted glass...'cept its not!
I think my fave is the deco looking earrings...
I AM going to finish this lot this weekend!

I am just posting that statement here to make myself to commit to it.

So if I am not finished with it by Monday morning, unless there is some really really darn good reason...you can just kick me!