How I was treated in a charity shop today, I sent HR lady a email about it


Some people are just plain ignorant, hateful, and bigoted.
Note that I said ignorant first. That leads to the other two.

I'm Very Proud of you for standing up for yourself.
But - I'm also sorry you had to.
This is the 21st Century, for goodness sake!
I really hope that saleslady gets a strong reprimand & the company takes good care of you.

I can not stand hateful ignorance & I tend to remove myself from situations that may be ugly before they happen. Just a thought.
Thank you all, if she says that to me I bet she has opinions on other who are not the same as her.
I did go over toward her but she turned her back on me so I walked out, i bet she thought she won! and that was the end of it.

no change ,

maybe the shop will get a call from head office very soon.
I not after any thing apart from I think head office should know what really happerning in the shop and it's a local hospice so they relly need local support and do a good job from what I been told over the years.

I keep you upto date. maybe by Friday this month lol or do they have a time machine also .
Pauline you should get a prize for the restraint you demonstrated and for the even handed way you presented the situation. I would be willing to bet the people who work with that sorry person will be glad when she gets reprimanded or let go. I'm sure her hateful attitude affects all those who come in contact with her.
You are an inspiration.

Thanks Melody , I have not always show restraint, something you might learn as you get older.
Those sesort of people tend to twist the situation around and you end up the villain, so let the boss do the dirty work,

I do have this feeling that they may end up say they could not identify the lady.
I got a relpy forming alread it my head alread if that is the case.
Pauline, I applaud you for having the courage to be yourself when so many people are cowards and don't even know their true selves. No place of business should have people working in them who are rude or unkind to the customers. Period! Charity shop or department store. There is no excuse for ignorance!
Pauline, this is the first I've run across your thread, and all I can say is that I second what everyone else has said. The woman is an idiot and should keep her opinions to herself and her mouth shut. You did absolutely the right thing in writing to the company. I am hoping you have heard something by now. That horrid person needs to either lose her job for behaving so rudely and unprofessionally, or be severely reprimanded!

I think your letter is too nice - you do show remarkable restraint. Yes, we all have rights to our opinions but NEVER should that trump common decency. I love your pics and posts but mostly that you are proud of who you are...keep it up. Next time you should strut in that shop in full on regalia and make that woman as uncomfortable as possible. Be as polite and sweet as possible and follow her around asking for her help with every little thing you can and get a good giggle.

Rock on it!

I have not heard back from them at all,
thank you for all your suppport with this,
The sensable thing would have been for them just to send a nice email back saying " sorry for how your weare treated etc etc " putting it to bed straight way with out any fuss.

Instead they make a investigation which they do not bother to tell me the out come about, as promised which I think raises anyther issue for the original one. why have they not kept there promise

So I just am waiting my time and maybe i send them another email asking why the promised email never come.
To be hounest I not worried about shoping in that shop again. it's there loss!
You probally wont hear back from them. But it really does not matter. The employee was acting like a 3 year old.

Being that you are a guy wearing woman's clothing you are not seeking public approval and why should you? You are doing what makes you happy which is what you should be doing. I live in a condervative town and get the stink eye every time I og to the grocery store because of the way I dress and wear my hair. I just ignore it.

What makes you different or odd is what makes you specal and unboring. So be proud and keep on doing your thing.

Originally posted by listitcafe
You probally wont hear back from them. But it really does not matter. The employee was acting like a 3 year old.

You are of course right, it has no consequence to my life.

Originally posted by listitcafe
I live in a condervative town and get the stink eye every time I og to the grocery store because of the way I dress and wear my hair. I just ignore it.
Good for you, the more I talk to ladies the more I here simular things to this, what up with people all like diferent things why cannot people acept that and encorage people.
I think people are afraid. Afraid to stand out afraid of something different. But there are people out there that are thankful for the things that makes us different.

I feel bad for people who are ruled by others opinions.

So Rock ON Paul!!!
