How old am I? And am I legal?

my guess would be sheared beaver or seal. Seal is softer than sheared beaver because you can still feel or see the guard hairs of the beaver.
I have a monkey cape with that same clasp which I think is 40's although it has a very deco collar. I am guessing yours is close to 40's too....just a guess though
It looks like seal fur to me, especially the way it has faded around the hem. I've had several seal pieces that were similarly faded. The fastener appears 1930's, and that style of short cape was popular for evening wear in the 30's--but 1930's clothing sometimes copied Vivctorian and Edwardian styles, much like our "modern" clothing copies the 70's, etc. So it could be older, but the lining also looks 30's to
me . . .

Amy @