i have been buying lots of christmas presents..


VFG Member
for myself!

Which is really bad as I still have Finlay's present to buy, and my Mum, and my entire gaggle of nephews and nieces.

I just seem to be finding loads of stuff that I want at the moment which is funny really as I have no spare cash. (I love you mastercard.... until January 1st!)

Saw this giant gladstone bag and thought my Dad should be able to sort the lock, and I'll treat it with leather cream etc. - it's over 2 feet in length and my suitcase just broke:


And this fab silver 70s ring


A fun 70s finnish skirt, again for me!


I am going to knuckle down tonight once I have the decorations finished and do the last of my shopping online. I just enjoy shopping much too much!
You bag looks great, are you going to remove the stickers.
If your dad need help with the lock then here is a booklet that might him (Lock Picking by David De-Val ) about £6.50 new but look on Ebay (none at the moment) or try a library.
So when we are wrapping up our present your will be polishing away on you bag. I bet it will come up good in the end.
Originally posted by Hattysattic
I'll keep the stickers as intact as i can, as I have a bit of a thing for old luggage labels. Unsurprisingly!

Why does than not surprise me!

Personally it would annoy me if they were not intact, but then it is old and well travelled. many stories to tell
Has it go initials on , with the stickers maybe they give age away and a big if but if it was a doctors case you might be able to find out who owned it.
Have no clue to when doctors have to be registered but he or she might be on it.