Is this a cusper? Late 30s early 40s?


VFG Member
Hi All,

I was wondering if this might be a little of both the 30s and 40s.

<img src="" width=291 height=505>

The top looks more 40s to me with a pretty net lace kinda like the type you see entire dresses made out of.

<img src="" width=470 height=433>

But then the skirt remineds me very much of the late 30s. panel of fabric to about hip length (can't think of any way other to describe it) the rest of the skirt looks to be biased cut but skimming the hips than flaring out to a full sweep. The fabric is a very nice crepe.

And the label,
<img src="" width=288 height=212>

I would love/appreciate any help with date and title and description.

Kat, I don't know but that is a beautiful dress. Love the color. Aqua, right?
Thanks, actually I was thinking turquoise, its not as bold a shade as aqua, kind of muted.

Oh, and sorry for the double post.
