It?s Button time again


VFG Member
It’s Button time again

Some of you know that one of my best online friends is Matthew, who is in France. He doesn’t even know I am bragging about him over here.

He finds the most amazing buttons. HERE are his latest on photo bucket.

I like these particularly -

Deco Glass


A little clutch!

I have always loved scarabs.

Hello, everyone!

Amanda has finally (after trying for ages!) talked me into registering here.

I really appreciate her, and everyone's, kind words!

My email should be public in my profile, so if you'd like more information about the buttons in my photobucket album or if you're looking for vintage replacements, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Thank you all!

Matthew- those are amazing buttons.

From a collectors point of view, what makes for a desirable button?

Hi Matthew,
I have a shoebox of old buttons I bought from my friends mother. Her mother collected buttons for years. These are whats left of the collection after selling them for several years at various flea markets. She told me that when she first started selling them there was a bushel basket full! She took all the ones that look like bakelite and put them in the sink to wash them and they all disinigrated.

I will have to take a look through them and see if there is anything unusual. There are some awfully pretty ones there.
Such wonderful buttons! I love those scarabs, and the teeny clutch.

Does this mean we have a button guru in the forum now? I can see many of us having lots of button questions for you, Matthew! :lol:
