It was 30 years ago today...

BIG that you have shared your pic...its quite an accomplishment these days isnt it, staying married let alone 30 years! Wll done you!
I know the graft that goes into it, as its our 25th anniversary on 26th...(we met in '75) and l have had the flowers made for the cake and had special pics taken of me and the kids as a gift to David, l couldnt think of nayhting else....l will post when they arrive...though if its anything like last year David will forget!!
Thanks again!

Yes, I do still have the dress, but I'll not try to see if I can still wear it. My ego does not need that kind of reality check. We still have the suit too, but it has turned gray with age!

And, I was quite young in the photo - 22. Tim was 27.

lizzie :)

many, many congratulations to you. :)

it's so wonderful to be able to celebrate such a milestone, in part because this is in no way an ending but a stop along a long, long journey that has many miles to go.

the type of connection that you must have with your sweetie, that only happens with hard work and a lot of love.

you know i wish you 30 more (at least).

every happiness to you and your sweetie. thank you for sharing this with us. :)

cheers :) t