James Dean overcoat - HELP!

i just checked a backstock rack of men's military wear and found the exact same coat: mine is dated 1942, also.

ours is a black gabardine wool with a snap in lining; felt lined pockets, has the exact same double tab at the wrists, super wide lapels, self belt and even has the same buttons (as in the James Dean images, and like Bonnie's), too.

ours is smaller, though, measuring only 21" across the front under the arms.

also, ours needs to be dry-cleaned as it was stored directly after being acquired (before we left for the winter).

when i first read this thread, i thought we might have one, too...but it's been so darned cold I dreaded the idea of going into our storage to look for it.

it's now in the car, waiting to be driven to our dry-cleaner on Monday. :rolleyes:
Hi Mary! Your coat has a belt as well? I have a friend who may be interested in one of these, so if you decide to sell, let me know and perhaps I can put you in touch. :-)
Unfortunately the beautiful coat of Bonnie's was too small for me. :-( So my search continues. If anyone finds one in around a size 48L or bigger, please let me know. The ideal coat would be just like Bonnie's photos. No belt and no epaulets, 8 buttons on the front. Color either black or deep navy. I am going to keep hope alive I'll locate one eventually!!
Hi there,
Have you considered getting a Tailor to replicate the coat in your size?. I know it wouldn't quite be the most cost effective option, but in the long fitting and size you require, it might be the easiest route.
Woollen cloth is readily available in a similar weight to what you would need- and with a reference and a good tailor, it could be worth the investment.
All the best
Hi Gayle! Yes, I am actually doing this as we speak. She is making me a replica coat, and we're using a wool-cashmere blend. So I am excited to have it completed! But, I definitely would want an original if possible as well, in the gabardine style. If I never find one though, at least I will have this custom made one.
Hi Bonnie...long time no speak! I am in the process of recreating this gorgeous coat with my tailor. One thing I wanted to know, and not sure you even remember, because you have probably sold the coat already, is what the back looked like. Do you recall if the back had a vent? If so, what kind? I had seen a coat similar that had a split vent of sorts with many buttons to button it all up. Any info would be great...thanks! :-)
we just shot ours last week before we came on the road (we prefer to list coats in the fall, than in the spring...) and are just now editing the photos ...

I have this image of the back pleat of ours, we've lightened it to show the detail better (but realize we need to shoot it in better light, still). ours has a placket inside of the back vent opening that buttons go through to secure, or not. seems there were two or three buttons on this one.

sorry for the poor quality of the photo.

Do you all have an opinion on what type of buttons would look best on this coat I am making? I want to keep to tradition, but just curious if there is anything I should consider. I am not familiar with buttons really. A classic navy, 4 hole button is what I was shooting for I suppose, but not sure if there is anything a bit "cooler" but not fancy or ornate...also, needs to be navy. Is a plastic button best, or are other materials like leather good too (keeping in mind, this is a cashmere coat).
Hi Bonnie can I have the pattern you used for this I'm trying to make this coat well not me but a someone's making it for me and they need the pattern pm me you did excellant!