Jamie's website is a GO!!!

You are most welcome to put the Vintage Fashion Guild link on your links page to put people in the know about this chat board. I think i might be able to scare something up if you want to add this board or site to your links page.

However, the Vfg "member seal" is for folks that have applied and have been accepted into trade membership status. Not only are we a fun. informative site, but we are a trade organization as well.

Once you have been in business for a year (website, running a physical vintage store, etc. For ebay sellers, there is a feedback # requirement as well), you may apply for trade membership. There are a few other criteria to meet, like completeness in listings (measurements, accurately dating, and of other good business practices etc,). ...oh and of course...no pushing and shoving around here LOL ha ha ha :bouncy:

You are already a great gal and a very important participant on this board, and are creating a great foundation for yourself and your new business venture. So just keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground on ways to continue to improve your business - from the nuts and bolts of customer follow up and learning how to measure some of the tricky garments, etc, to expanding your horizons on eras that might not be familiar to you.....and with all that being said, should you be inclined when the time of course passes and you feel you meet the other requirements as well, you most definitely will be more than ready to apply.

Hi Jamie.....hooray for you!!!! Looks great and I love your childhood pictures and
already got SOLDs posted there!! Way to go....!!

Just curious....what shopping cart program are you using?

OK.....tip here..... now go over to your profile page here in vfg and change your signature to make repeatvintage.com an active link:

***URL=http://repeatvintage.com]Repeat Vintage[/URL***

just change the *** to a set of brackets [ ] and you're all set! :) Put whatever words you want for Repeat Vintage.
Hi Jamie! Your site looks great and I know it took a lot of hard work. I am working on mine, too, and I know what you mean about needing patience.

It is good to see you here and we hope you will stop by and post often.:USETHUMBUP:
The excitement is building.
I went to a community garage sale over by my friend's house today. I wore a vintage shirt that I really love (and it fits). I had many people comment on it and I got to pass my little home made cards out.

I'm kinda of a shy girl, so for me to talk to people face to face is a miracle onto itself.
For the shopping cart I use Yahoo's.
It was the one of the few that came in a package deal with the merchant solutions. Every other host place you had to add the shopping cart feature for an extra fee.
I researched most Web Hosting places, but really liked how things are pretty easy to learn on Yahoo. :clapping:
What do you guys think about adding a page in my website on scanned mag articles on clothing that are very close to what I have?

I found out that my grandmother has old mags from the 70's (almost all years). Like Better Home & Garden, Woman Day to just name a few. They were stored in a metal chest that my grandfather had used in the navy. SO they are in great shape.

Do you guys know of people that collect old mags? A site? Or just what to do with them. I know it isn't vintage clothing but you guys know so much here.
Also now that everything has calmed down at my house and the website is pretty much set up the way I want. I can now work on the VC_Mall site that I want to do. Looking forward to working on that in the next few days.:snowman:
Check out Babylonmall. Vc-mall is a boutique that seperates out just the VFG trade members. Babylonmall has all of us plus other shops that aren't trade members. A mall shop can work well in your overall business plan to get the word out about you!

About the magazine scans, that's a great idea. Another idea is to put the scan in the listing with the item it looks like to reinforce someone's buying decision while they are viewing that particular item.
Hi Jamie,

Chris is right - Babylon Mall is for everyone, vc-mall is just for VFG members.

I am working on 6 new store templates that are almost done. The first 6 are not graphical, the new ones will have some graphical buttons and a template-like layout.

Here's a sneak peak at one of them:


I am testing them to make sure they work in different browsers, and with different sized logos.

Jamie the good thing about being part of the mall is that you get your items submitted to Froogle every day. It is so hard to get on Froogle - it's difficult to produce a feed. I spent about 10 weeks trying to get on.

I also have Google spider my site every day. That means if you have a link to your site (which you are allowed to do) your site will also get picked up by Google, and it will improve your search engine rankings.

When will you have the new templates up?

I really like the sneak peek, but of course makes me want to see more.

Also I meant Babylon mall. I had a brain lapse late last night ( was on at Midnight, couldn't sleep). I knew about VC-mall being ours and Babylon being the big one. Sorry guys.
I have 1 more template to do, so I am hoping within a couple days or a week.

Changing page formats is so easy on the mall though, you just edit your store and pick one, and that's it.

Oh great, Deb. I can't wait to see the new templates!:bouncing:
oh my you guys....I have ventured out onto E-Bay.

I thought I might as well and see what kind of bites I can get from
I told my mom that I had registered and she is now on a roll about the other things that my grandmother has- Glassware and Fisher Price toys to name a few. I have opened Pandora's Box....


I went to Grandmother's yesterday.............

OOOOOHHHHHH....guys you won't believe the stuff I found.......
I have enough fall/winter stuff already picked out to sell when the time comes. But got some amazing summer items and some children & men stuff.

I have to tell you guys my little story. I am in the garage. I have made a maze through the clothes and the tables to get to the over side of the garage to a rack over there that has summer dresses on it. I get over there finally and the rack to my back falls on me. So here I am under some fall clothing on top of me and asking my mom if she could please remove the clothing off my back. Once I am out my mom turns to my grandmother and says "I guess the clothes were more hungry for her then she is for them"........

I laughed so hard and thought I would share that with you......... :hysterical:

Off to cleaning and taking pictures......