Just listed this week on C&C!

First listings in the C&C <a href="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/forsale.shtml">Shop</a> for 2007!

A stunning carnation printed silk dupioni late 1950's- 1960 gown:
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/dress/roseflowerdress1.jpg">

Riding habits galore!
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/riding/bluehabit1.jpg">

A corset!
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/corset/ESFC1.jpg">

Antique shoes in abundance!
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/shoes/buttonboots1.jpg">

and more! :)

Heheh, the hard part is parting with stuff. It helps when something doesn't fit though ;)

Actually, the corset was in my "maybe" pile to keep. I don't have a Royal Worcester corset and this is a good representative model so it may stay :P
