I bought this dress last spring with the intention of wearing it, but I didn't pay attention to the shoulder to waist measurement. Alas, I'm too tall for it!
<a href="" target=blank><b>Edwardian Cotton Lawn Dress, Eyelet Lace 44B XL ~ Vintage</B>
<img src=""></a>
And this blouse is from my personal collection. I've decided to sell it to make room for other things. It has a 40" bust!
<a href="" target=blank><b>Cotton Lawn Blouse Waist w/ Lace Insertion LG ~ Vintage</b>
<img src=""></a>
<a href="" target=blank><b>Edwardian Cotton Lawn Dress, Eyelet Lace 44B XL ~ Vintage</B>
<img src=""></a>
And this blouse is from my personal collection. I've decided to sell it to make room for other things. It has a 40" bust!
<a href="" target=blank><b>Cotton Lawn Blouse Waist w/ Lace Insertion LG ~ Vintage</b>
<img src=""></a>