Last ebay auctions of the year!


VFG Member
Up in about half an hour on ebay, all being well!

Gorgeous cotton organdy ginger rogers style dress - a/f

Audrey style little lacy 60s number

Full length brocade evening dress

mid 50s pink prom in larger size:

and of course the coat you already saw:


All are cheap, some with minor flaws, but all are wearable - even the pink number with care.

I have a big website update that should be finished by Wednesday so will post again then, and then THAT'S IT for 2006!!

I shall just be immersing myself in nativity plays, mince pies, hot toddies etc. from then on..

Originally posted by Hattysattic

I shall just be immersing myself in nativity plays, mince pies, hot toddies etc. from then on..

Cannot think of anything better to do at this time of year.

Have you got all your presents bought!