Late Bustle Era/Blue Velvet- Show & Tell!

End of a long day...but did finish my pictures for my late Victorian blue velvet dress. Here are a couple of them. This garment is two piece and the shirt has a "flap" like area that ties in separately around the waist. This pleated/gathered back creates an area for fullness for a fanny bustle/enhancer.

This particular dress came from the area where my shop is in western NY. We are a small town outside a larger city. The area here was well to do and booming at the turn of the century. This is a well made dress in pretty good condition still!

Here's the pictures:



how pretty - thank you for the treat! especially as I haven't been shopping myself in forever and ever.
The velvet looks to be in still very fine condition too! Treat is right!
(especially since I have never been lucky enough to find a Victorian
velvet garment)

the velvet dress

Thanks folks.... it's fun to share these items!! I'm beginning to think the victoriana collectors have dimished... so it's good to find kindred souls here!!

That velvet is in pretty amazing condition! It is the cotton velvet on the heavy ground. I did spend a lot of time with my toothbrush "drycleaning" areas!!:) Then fresh air days on the clothes line. Finialized with a touch of the vacume cleaner.

This is definitely a winter-weight garment. She was certainly cozy warm in this on her days out. The color is midnight dark blue. The pleated silk faille bodice is black. Simple.... elegant!
Hey there,

Fellow Victoriana collector here. Got to say that's a really lovely dress. Most Victorian velvet I've run into is in generally poor condition with lots of fiber loss and stuff.

Again, nice!
