Lee Bender for Bust Stop sewing pattern


Registered Guest
Hi! I recently bought a box of vintage sewing patterns, and in it was a factory folded, unused dress pattern, designed by Lee Bender for Bus Stop by Woman magazine. I can't find any reference anywhere, and I even emailed Lee herself, who told me she has no recollection of it! I am guessing it was issued as part of a marketing campaign, but has anyone seen anything similar? I want to date and value it!
Thanks Mary! I assumed it was 1970's - it doesn't have any exact dates on it though as some patterns do, and I just can't find it referenced anywhere, but it is lovely isn't it? (I may have to copy it so I can make up a version!) I know some pattern companies 'showcased' young designers (particularly in 60's/70's) but I am reaching a dead end with this one!
Lee Bender has emailed me again to say she remembers the dress being sold, but not ever issuing it as a pattern. The plot thickens!
Very interested to see this so thanks for posting!

I would start by looking at listings for Woman magazines from that era, to see if any mention a free Lee Bender pattern, or the opportunity to collect for/purchase it.
Hi Ruth, I was searching for info on Mary Quant patterns and came across this site by chance as I recognised the Lee Bender pattern. I know it is 6 years since you posted your question so hopefully you get this reply. I had this pattern and made the short dress in my sewing class at school, it was around 1973/74. I absolutely loved the dress and wore it a lot. This has brought back great memories.