Liliane Burty Rain Coat


Registered Guest
Have a polyester and cotton rain coat. Label reads Liliane Burty paris... Its a dramatic black coat with a cape overlay which has ties on shoulders to pull cape out of way of arms....

Trying to date jacket.... Anybody know this designer?

I will have to check the Label Resource to see if it is there..

but please post a picture..this board recognizes html code or you can upload the file. There are a lot of people who amaze me and can sometimes date things within a 5 , 3 or even a 1 year time frame sometimes by looking at a piece

I didn't see the we do not have it..unless we are just waiting for a bio. Usually a lot can be told from a label as well, the font. whether there is a union label present, and the sizing...
I don't know the designer but I would love to see the coat. Can you post a picture?