Look what's coming up tonight!

Look what\'s coming up tonight!

Just a peek at the auctions waiting to go up tonight!
Enjoy! :)

<p>C. 1918- 1925 corset:
<br><img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/corset/pcorset5.jpg">

<p>36B Spiral Cup bra in it's original pack!
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/undies/madam1.jpg">

<p>Lots of 1860's CDVs of women..
<img src="http://www.corsetsandcrinolines.com/fsimages/photos/CDV68.jpg">

and more!

looking forward to checking out your cdvs Lei! Wow...look at the skirt on that one!

Always love looking at your early goods Lei... awesome cdv's too!

Was going to give a heads up on an early bodice that went on tonight ...but it sold immediately! Yipee! Had interesting built in bust pads and beautiful plaid silk. Pictures are on for a little while if any body just wants to see it.