Looking for something to do - Free Fashion course


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VFG Past President
I have started doing this course. It's very interesting and certainly gives you a lot to think about. I like doing a bit every morning after breakfast, as a start of the day. I jumped in a bit later and did week one in about three days, which worked well for me.

There's a fashion history one that looks super interesting too: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/royal-fashion

And on another note, they have some about tourism as well that would actually be relevant for me professionally. They all require just a few hour's study each week, so they would even be doable when my work jumps back to 100%.
I have just finished the royal fashion and history course too, and have found it very interesting! Whilst I've had a bit of a slob moment over the last week, I have kept up with the course (or the course kept up with me) because it was so interesting. I have now bought the upgrade from FutureLearn and will continue with courses, though the next one will be more for my professional interest - Culture & Tourism (at least one chapter seems to feature mostly Australian examples, which of course makes it more interesting to me...).