Mad Hatters -The VFG Fashion Parade for the week of March 9th

carla rey

VFG Member
Mad Hatters

This may sound old hat, but hold on to your hats, spring is here! Chapeaux for the chaps, bonnets for bonnie lasses—From fascinators to fedoras, turbans to toques, even something as mad as a hatter, vintage hats have you covered for the new season!

Be ready for Easter, garden parties, beach lounging, The Derby and other events at the drop of a hat with stylish vintage toppers. The VFG says hats off to vintage hats!!
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Vintage 1940s-1950s Hat Natural Straw Open Weave Pink Roses White Carnations


Vintage 1960s Damozel Green Straw Hat With Pink Roses


Vintage 1960s Black Straw Hat With White Silk Roses

My Vintage Clothes Line on Ruby Lane
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