Man's Robe? Woman's? Anyone know?


Man\'s Robe? Woman\'s? Anyone know?

Hi, I acquired this robe recently, (at least I’m assuming that’s what it is) and I was wondering if anybody could tell me any more about it- most importantly, would it have been for a man or a woman? I’m assuming it was originally a man’s robe, but if anyone else thinks differently, let me know! Also I’m a bit stumped on dating it, I was thinking 50’s, but that’s just a stab in the dark- what does everyone think?

It appears to be hand quilted, and I think its lined in silk, although I’m rubbish at identifying fabrics. I’m not sure what the patterned fabric is. It’s got a tie and a loop inside, as well as a button on the outside.
(as always, click on the photos to enlarge them)
Hi Rosine!

It looks like it buttons right to left?
That is usually a womens, and the floral pattern would seem to possibly indicate that.

I've seen short jackets similar to this, but I'm not sure what they are called.

The subtle ombre effect along with the blue colors on the dark black is really striking!
Just click on the photots to enlarge them- (i'm still having problems with my software). Its completely hand made, so it very well could be a re-made kimono. Do i have any more votes for Woman's robe?
l wonder if it has been shortened as the stitch line around the bottom, hem, looks a tad out of place? looks like a kimon or kimono style over coat/gown...probably a womans as it does up left side, but not sure if that is a universal thing??
Okay - I am pretty darn sure that's a remade kimono. The fabric is definitely Japanese silk kimono yardage. Black with that kind of floral was used for married womens' formal kimono. If I had to guess, I would say it was remade in the 30s - 40s in the USA as a winter jacket for a gal.

Thanks Hollis! And thank you everyone for telling me it’s a woman’s robe LOL! That’s really interesting, the fact that its been made from a Japanese kimono. Although it's rather a shame that some one cut one up in the first place...Anyway that clears up that mystery, thanks again