Man\'s Robe? Woman\'s? Anyone know?
Hi, I acquired this robe recently, (at least I’m assuming that’s what it is) and I was wondering if anybody could tell me any more about it- most importantly, would it have been for a man or a woman? I’m assuming it was originally a man’s robe, but if anyone else thinks differently, let me know! Also I’m a bit stumped on dating it, I was thinking 50’s, but that’s just a stab in the dark- what does everyone think?

It appears to be hand quilted, and I think its lined in silk, although I’m rubbish at identifying fabrics. I’m not sure what the patterned fabric is. It’s got a tie and a loop inside, as well as a button on the outside.
(as always, click on the photos to enlarge them)
Hi, I acquired this robe recently, (at least I’m assuming that’s what it is) and I was wondering if anybody could tell me any more about it- most importantly, would it have been for a man or a woman? I’m assuming it was originally a man’s robe, but if anyone else thinks differently, let me know! Also I’m a bit stumped on dating it, I was thinking 50’s, but that’s just a stab in the dark- what does everyone think?

It appears to be hand quilted, and I think its lined in silk, although I’m rubbish at identifying fabrics. I’m not sure what the patterned fabric is. It’s got a tie and a loop inside, as well as a button on the outside.
(as always, click on the photos to enlarge them)