mary quant on ebay

Hello! :hiya:
I haven't seen it before either.. that 'made in great britain' looks a little more on the modern side to me but I am certainly no expert! (Waiting for Liz/emmapeelpants...)
Love the print!
hi miss liz! how are you? i thought more 80's at first but the zip is iron so it must be older... ah well. the label is unusual aswell, let's see, ciao, ferry
No problem Harriet, I'm still perplexed by it. I'm thinking it could be early-mid 70s, they were still using op-art fabrics then, and some designers still used metal zippers until the late 70s. Her 80s stuff seems to have the daisy label for the most part.

Cute dress! Mary Quant was like the first designer whose stuff I was interested in, growing up smack in the middle of the mod era! This dress looks 70s to me, probably into the mid 70s, esp. with the skirt treatment, even with the metal zipper. The print, however, looks as if it could be early 70s, but overall I'd say mid 70s. FWIW!!! Great luck with it--it's adorable.