Mary Quant Stockings


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
I have Mary Quant stockings that I will be putting in my mall store and just wanted to know if they are sought after by Mary Quant collectors at all. They are newer than perhaps her heyday, so perhaps not unless there are folks who like to wear head to toe.

I figured that even if not (and probably not) there would be people out there who rather wear something a little more unique than going to the pharmacy and buying a few pairs of No Nonsense and having some other design/color options.
at any rate, it wouldn't hurt having my store pop up in internet searches for her name.

Any input, Mary Quant aficianados?

I have a few myself, they seem to turn up a lot on eBayUK. They usually get a bid or two but nothing high or any bidding wars. I think they would do better as a lot, maybe?

Mary Quant doesn't seem to make much on eBay in whatever guise. Very bizarre (or Bazaar - ha ha!!) ;)
I was going to put it in my mall store to firstly have another keyword or name that would show up in searches, and for something that could potentially finish an outfit for someone versus because they are sought after. I know, a lot of things don't do anything on ebay these days :(

I won't put em in there for a high price...but still will, i think offer seperately for someone who is looking for a finishing touch and needs a particular color.

You get a better sale listing this sort of thing as vintage stockings rather than listing as Mary Quant, it's very true that Quant doesn't seem to sell well right now. Very very bazaar indeed!!!

You very rarely find anything in that classic Quant style though do you, they're always pretty regular or just downright silly outfits that crop up.

When there's a lot of vintage stockings on ebay though, they do tend to start a bit of a bidding war, so maybe that's the route to go down if you can find any other vintage stockings to put up with them.

...or if they're of the later and rather far-out designs I'd just wait til the trend in far-out leg wear comes back in, we're deffinately due for another wild-legs look soon, it's ages since I've been able to wear my fave rave purple tights with the yellow flower pattern on, LOL! (more of a "dress to shock" than "dress to impress" I assure you)

love, moons and starrs,