Messy, messy, MESSY!!!

:BAGUSE: As stated on another thread: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I was kinda hoping everyone would forget this thread until I became organized - LOL. Vacation, wedding etc, etc. all got in the way. AND, believe it or not, it's worse right now - I unloaded that little room and am in the process of putting everything back. Still haven't found the sash that started the chaos either.

Good for you, Linda - I look forward to pics. Harriet, you REALLY are organized - BRAVA!

Anyone else with pics?
Every project leads to three more...that's our motto around here.

Scraping paint lead to hubby finding rot in the porch railing, which lead to removing that, then the flooring needed replaced, then painted and sealed and the rail replaced (still not done post one year), oh, and the gutter that caused the wetness and rot in the first place.....

It's like dominoes!

Here's a corner of my room, just after a new batch of over 100 dresses moved in:


I had my stuff somewhat organized in my garage, but then we moved. Now it looks like a tornado went through it.
However at the moment it's to dang hot to do anything but look at it and sigh. I wish I had a storage room like you, Harriet. Will put that on my wish list when we go house hunting this next summer. (we rented a townhouse b/c we moved to a new area that hubby and I didn't know that well)

BTW-How do you guys find ways to store your shoes?? I think if I didn't have the shoes, I might be able to figure out where to put things......:hysterical:
Somehow I missed the last few posts - too embarrassed probably:BAGUSE:

Organization, you say? Definition, please?

It was getting better at one point, but then all hell broke loose and I haven't made much progress. Moved things around alot, but, but, but...

I did buy 6 big clear tubs like yours Harriet; so that's done and 5 are full, but I've probably acquired a gazillion new things - not my fault - HONEST!!! :D- and I wasn't selling for a while and, and, and...I NEED A BIGGER HOUSE!

Okay, so I need to sell more and buy less. In theory. Right?

The pictures did not show up, Hatfeathers (sorry, I forgot your name). It sounds like our houses run in the same manner.

Happy you've joined the messy crowd too Jamie. The subject should have read "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the messiest of them all?" I like winning - LOL!

I am so glad not to be alone Deborah!

I am mid re-decoration in the pink room with the tubs. Which meant clearing it, obviously. My son is sleeping in a room full of mannequins and steamer trunks but doesn't seem to mind, I'll have to post pictures when I am done. The plan is to take the contents of that room to the antique centre when my unit is ready next month (in the mean time we are all just tripping over it, lol)
Yes, Looking forward to seeing pics.

My mom came ovee the other day when it was raining here. We decided since it was cool to work a little on organizing it. Actually got some done, but still a long way to go to parking a car in the other side of my garage. Also we needed to get half the garage ready b/c my neighborhood is having a garage sale in a couple of weeks.