Morris, my Cat ~ New Pics

Seems Tallulah has lots of competition in the cutest cats stakes! Linda, you ask what type of cat she is- well we rescued her from the animal shelter when she was just 6 weeks old, and she is a bit of everything, but I am pretty sure her mother must have been a persian- as she gets fluffier everyday.

She is spoilt rotten with me stuck at home recovering from the accident- company every day, food whever she likes- she sleeps on the bed at night boy she is in for a shock when I get out of the damn house!!!
The only place she cant go is where i keep my ebay stock- but sometimes she sneaks in ! the horror of it-claws nylon,stockings not a good mix! ;)
I went to our local florist one morning to buy some fresh catnip plants for my girls. I couldn't find it so I got the clerk. She took me out to one of the greenhouses and the whole table of catnip had been wiped clean. Their adopted store cat was laying under the table with all the catnip plants destroyed and broken laying around her. The clerk just looked at me and said "I guess we don't have any".
Here is Lola, Queen of Cats - happily rolling from side to side in the dusty driveway at my feet


marking it as Hers, while a few yards away her sister Chloe was doing the same thing, oblivous ~


Oh Linda, you knew I was a Cat Person -- you just forgot because there are so many of us around here :) Your Morris is a big fat sweetie cat -- who'll probably find a way-too-small box (or who-knows-what) to sleep in, despite your best efforts!

OMG! it is cat HEAVEN here!

i KNEW i loved this place!

we have a few, too, 2 out at dbf's shop, one out at the family farm, and 2 here with us. i also have a sweet doggie girl who is such a cuddle-er/snuggler! will post pix later...i LIKE the Christmas Cat picture idea!!!!!
It's amazing how many vintage and antique clothing people are also cat people! What is the connection, do you suppose????

Linda, Frankie is almost hairless, and he doesn't shed. Some people who have only minor cat allergies can coexist with Rex cats quite well.... since you don't have all that cat hair flying around your house. And it makes it much easier to keep cat hair off my dresses! --Cheri