Musings: The Crush (that Launched a Thousand Ships)

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I haven't been posting these lately!! But, I think this one is particulary cute... if I do say so myself!! :P

The lastest Musings of Vintage Grace
The Crush (that Launched a Thousand Ships)

If anyone wants to receive notification when these are published, make sure to sign-up for the mailing list at the bottom of the column!! :D

Enjoy the chuckle!

That is a super cute story... wonder what happened to him?

I never had a crush on anyone at school, I thought they were all wrotten kids, and when they started actually being nice to me I was nasty back as I'd remembered the ways they'd pulled my hair and teased me only a few years earlier.

When I first started getting crushes they were all on pop stars and film stars from the 1960s, so while all the other girls were oohing and ahhing over some pimply kid in our school I was looking through twenty something year old teen mags at pictures of the Beatles. Then when I actually started being properly interested in men, I'd already started hanging around backstage at pop gigs, so all my early love affairs were with super cool musicians.

I do remember everyone really fancying one boy in my class who I absoloutely hated cos he thought he was gods gift (I always hate that), he was always really arrogant, he'd broken my friend's heart by dumping her on the school trip, had gelled back short hair (and there's me thinking how lovely Brain Jones was in the 60s mags with his long perfect clean golden tresses) and he talked in class when I was trying to concentrate. Everone always nagged me "who do you like in school" and I'd always answer "no-one, they're all awful, ewwww!", so one day they were all obsessing over him and they asked if I thought he was alright and I said "I guess so" because they'd all kill me if I said what I really thought... the very next day the whole school was convinced I fancied him. It was *deeply* irritating.

And that didn't die down until everyone decided I was having an affair with the history master... I won't even go into that story. :(

Oh! There was one nice little event boy wise when I was about 12 or 13. This lovely boy who was two years above me and played drums asked me out (probably becuase I was the only person in the whole school who knew Gene Krupa wasn't a girl and didn't laugh when someone said paradiddle). I said no becuase I thought he was joking. He continued to ask me out, and got his friend to ask my friends to persuade me but I always said no. He was very lovely, all the girls in the year above fancied him... and if he becomes a deeply wonderful famous drummer I shall hit my head against the wall repeatedly. He was a wonderful jazz drummer even early on and had a beautiful black Premier kit. Hope he didn't give up drumming for a normal job.

love, moons and starrs,
I just love your stories Senti! Anytime you want to write a column for my website, please do so!! I'd love to have some guest columnists and you'd be so perfect!!

I will admit, I often wonder what happened to Kelly Nolan. The crush lasted until we graduated from that school. I have no idea what happened to him but I've followed his brother's career over the years. Now I suppose I'll have to watch the 49er football games just in the hopes of catching a fleeting glimpse at the boy of my childhood dreams! (I really hate American football. I'd rather watch rugby anyday of the year -- Go Wallabies!!)

Cheers ~ Maureen
I remember how dramatic things all seemed in school days, and now looking back I think "what the heck was I so worried about?"

Thanks for sharing the story, Maureen. I am glad that he was cool and didn't humiliate you about it. He sounds like he was a classy kid. But maybe he was just too intimidated by your wit and beauty :)
I think I'd be a bit scared to be a guest columnist, I wouldn't know what to write! I can manage if I'm just rambling away about nothing in particular and I'm always writing articles for friends so long as they give me an "assignment", but I get writer's block if I have to actually come up with something out of nowhere.

I will think about it though. :)

love, moons and starrs,