my favorite picture this week

Been home with the diddling more with little stuff. I had taken this shot of the shoes earlier and spent some fun time in Photoshop fussin' it up -

maybe I could go into the shoe ad business, eh??


and should they inspire's the auction
Check out my Bellini Hat!

Well whaddyaknow! Look what I turned up from the same designer!!!


Is that the funkiest little MOD hat you've seen... not my particular style but what a cutie!

....and perfect for my Bellini shoes - a marriage made in heaven!!:love008:
That is way cool on both finding the hat and the photoshop trick....

I know how to get started in photo shop, but then the brain freezes and nothing comes out right.......makes me want to pull my hair out..:flaming::mad:
That photos are really very nice and i like them, thanks for sharing