My new web portal


Staff member
VFG Past President
I have felt a need to have a web portal to act as a gathering place for my vintage activities online. Please have a look:

Some aspects are a work in progress (I sorely need to update my boring "about me" page for instance)...I'd love to know what you think of this so far.
Maggie That's a really good idea, it looks crisp and neat with room for expansion and in the future you can change the pictures without interfering with the overall look too much, I think it's good and effective design, The mouse overs are cool Well done!
Thank you both~! I still have some work to do, mainly on the functional aspects, but it's on its way.
Linda, the mouseovers are in javascript with swapping images. If you want to know the nitty gritties, I could try to elaborate! I'm so rudimentary in my skills. I just study up enough to do the task at hand, then run screaming from the whole technical world!
I like the mouse overs too!!!

Very wonderful and so much you!! I wish i could be that creative, but I can't seem to find a groove of creative talent in me at the moment.
But of course my life is on hold for the time being, so my brain has decided to leave the building also!!!!!
Glad you like it Jamie! My brain has left the building too...I think I wore it out!

I run screaming even before I start the task - you're an inspiration.
