Name for one piece hotpants?

I have a few suits, jumpsuit style but in shorts and I thought this one piece unit was referred to as hotpants, but a quick search is telling me that hotpants are just simply short-shorts.

Is there another name for this style of jumpsuit shorts?

<i>Mine are late 60s, early 70s and the vests and/or jackets are as short as the hotpants.</i>

I remember these soooo well!
I know the exact date.... 1971, because I remember the set I had.
The hotpants I wore were shorts with a bodice attached, either long or short sleeved (like a jumsuit)..that is what we called them in UK, I actually thought they were called hotpants because they were shorts and revealing and 'hot'
& yes it would have been the late 60's and revived or lived until 70's
Originally posted by nollynono
The hotpants I wore were shorts with a bodice attached, either long or short sleeved (like a jumsuit)..that is what we called them in UK, I actually thought they were called hotpants because they were shorts and revealing and 'hot'
& yes it would have been the late 60's and revived or lived until 70's

I also think of shorts when I hear hotpants.
UK Hot Pants

My memory of Hot Pants from the UK are :- very short pair of shorts if that makes sense , without a belt or tie holding them up, instead two sort of straps one over each shoulder been button at the waist , worn with a blouse or a sort of top, these were like my sister wore could have been home made and different in style to others and my mother might have had a say in the style and <i>toned them down. or my memory is failing!</i>
I have also found this video clip about Hot Pants
<a href="" target="_blank">Germaine
Greer talking about Hot Pants</a>

BBC Top of The Pops had a dance troop called "Pans People" who worn amongst other items Hot Pants
That's my input
Yes the drawing Linda is what I was trying to describe. Can remember them been very short, then I was 10 -12 years old very impressionable age ! :spin:
Thanks for the plug Linda, unfortunately it didn't sell but I may relist it after I get back from my granddaughters 1st birthday in Jacksonville.
Paul, Who else came after Pans people,,ahhhha brain wave 'Legs & co'
..we did a Pans people stint at Brownies..doubt we wore hot pants though.

Yes that was the look, more of a pair of short shorts attached to a bib or straps with buttons at mum and both us kids had matching pairs