Need some 60s ORANGE accessories

One of my super shop customers bought a terrific white organdy dress and a smashing orange and white trim broadbrim hat this weekend. It creates a "new era" look.

What I need for her is size 6 orange shoes and hopefully a cute vintage 50-60 orange purse. Maybe patent leather??

Please email me or use the u2u.
I will have to check if there are any orange accessories that can be pried out of my hands. Can't help on the shoes, but I will see what I have on other things...

Chris <---- queen of orange, patent leather and that limey chartreusey green color.
Give me a day or two. I will check at my storage building. I know I have lots of orange. Just sold an orange straw purse
I had trouble with the may not have gone i will say it here...

i have an orange chiffon scarf - great condition except it needs a pressing a nice medium orange, and a bracelet made out of vintage beads with a very pale orange.

I do have an orange handbag but its too mod for new look and i cannot bring myself around to parting with it right now. (as well as the rest of my orange wardrobe lol)

Thanks folks. Appreciate the feedbacks. Chris--your u2u came in ok, too.

Mostly it's a purse and shoes I'd like to get for her. Bright orange just like an orange will be perfect.

How exciting..... can't wait to check in again! Thanks all!!
I can check at the shoppe today for you. I know we have a pair of orange patent pumps. Very 60's. Lowish fat heel & slightly squared round toe. I don't know he size & I need to check the condition.

As to a purse - I think we still have boxes of purses laying around that we haven't opened since we moved. So I can search for one.

I'll post tonite.
I just did a quick search yesterday evening. Need to check some more. Darn, just missed picking up some shoes at a 3 day sale of old store closeout. If I would have known...<p>Here is the only thing I found so far. It is orange patent but I don't think it is vintage but could be 80s.<br><br><img src=><br><br><img src=><br><br><img src=><br><br>I will keep checking.
Just sent you a U2U. These are a little different from the other board so hope you receive.
This isn't patent leather (imagine me not having every color of patent but i don't....yet : ) Here's my fave orange handbag that I never in actuality used by PB or P& B.

I will look in the ebay stash as well but don't think i have anything there as well....

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