Net hat?

Thanks so much, MC! :) Very good information and I really appreciate it!

So it sounds like I should call a net veil hat a whimsey. And one with the circular, open crown hat is a cage hat? Correct?

The reason I wondered if the whimseys/whimsies were replacement veils is that I have a straw pillbox that has a veil attached at the very center of the crown that looks exactly like a whimsey. Pardon the awful pictures - I took these a long time ago, before I had done much practicing.



I wonder if this veil is original to the hat or if someone did replace a dead veil with a whimsey? Or is that just completely insane? LOL

I see what you mean, Diana, but I'm pretty sure your black one is simply a veiled hat, made that way originally.

BTW, that pattern in veiling is called "diamond and dot," or "dotted diamond." Very pretty!
I know that veils come basically in three lengths: eye veil, nose veil, and chin veil. They can be chenille-dotted or sequin-dotted, for example. Honeycomb is another pattern.

I just read up a little on veiling in Jody Shields's "Hats: A Stylish History and Collectors' Guide," and learned that 1939 was known for use of big swaths of veils added to already dramatic hats.But I couldn't find any other pattern names. I'll post an amusing pic later, but I've for a friend-repairman here and I'm hoping to list a few bags and post them for the Fashion Parade. Back later!