new ebay listings from tastyvintage - inc. nurses uniform


VFG Member
Never, ever organised enough to sneak preview these, sorry(*slaps own wrist*) but I am moving premises so am having a little purge of shop stock in the hope I'll have a bit less to shift - plus I have new stock waiting to come out at the new shop!

Collecting more to photograph tomorrow so look out for more buy it nows!

Thanks! I have quite a few and I've huing on to them for ages, all from the same lady and they range from 20s up to 50s at latest I think. I've had a hard time researching though.. googling nurses uniform turns up some interesting sites as I think I say in the description! In the end I am pretty sure this one is 30s but any opinions or reference sites welcomed - particularly for UK uniform timeline.

Jonathan I have a suitcase full of various collars and gauntlet cuffs and because I had spent so long (about 3 years!) trying to match up the correct ones to each uniform i gave up and listed as it stands. However, I was going to give the winning bidder the option of what I *think* could be a corresponding set gratis.
You may want to picture that in the listing - it would make the difference between a reenactor and a collector buying the dress. I would be interested if it had all its bits included - so often they get separated and its impossible to put them all back together again, especially the collar and cuffs.
Jonathan, you're right. I can't tell you how much this has tested me! I feel like i am doing an impossible jigsaw.

Will attempt to post a selection and maybe get a second opinion before I add to the auction - thank you!