new goods coming VERY soon! Yay for summer!!!


Registered Guest
ok, so I tried something a little different with this batch. I didn't go with the live model - used my manni instead as I felt i was losing too much clarity and detail otherwise. I think these came out better. Anyhow, lots of summery stuff will go up tomorrow at 9pm Central Time (about 30 new items.)







oh! I'm glad you guys dig the styling. I'm flip-flopping on the model thing. The pics witht the model came out really cool, but my lighting was all screwed up, and i lost alot of clarity. I just can't seem to decide what to do. I looked at a few of my sales, and I think I actually did BETTER on the ones on the mannequin. ??? If there are any buyers on this board, may I pick your brain for a minute? - do you prefer to see it on the manni?
As the purpose of a photo is to sell a item for the best possible price from your point, the decision in my mind has to be which will show off the items best.
I do think sometime it nice to see how a item look on a real person and possibly spark of someone imagination to how it could be combined with something.
Could it be possable to combine both, using close ups on a manni and full length shots with the item been worn, I do not think I seen that been done.
Your manni pics came out fantastic! And I do love your live model pictures as well. Your manni has a very natural stance, something a real person would do so it helps I think. Plus she's got an awesome tan! lol My manni is so white she looks transparent. hahaha
ok, just to give you an idea - here's one with the model. I like it, but you lose so much detail. My lighting system is really bunk, and with a manni I can use a lot (without, since I don't have filters, I blind the poor girl with the lights.) Then I end up having to edit the pics for a really long time which is not efficient. Any thoughts?
