No Turkeys, just **Fresh Vintage** Nov 18th


Staff member
VFG Past President
Time for VFG trade members to show us their best new listings for the pre-Thanksgiving edition of *Fresh Vintage*!

New this month at Past Perfect Vintage

Please click here for more information: Past Perfect:

1940s NY Creations Hat
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1940s Felt and Chenille NY Creations Hat
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1940s Beaded Velvet Sally Victor Hat
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1950s Herbert Levine Pumps with Rhinestone Buckle
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1950s Middle Eastern Inspired Mules from Saks 5th Ave.
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New with tag Vintage items at my Rubylane shop~ wonderful for gift giving!

Perfect for cooler nights, Just listed Sears version of a Barbizon Cuddleskin Nightgown, Shimmery Satin outside, warm snuggly flannel inside:

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feminine and beautiful ~ how perfect for a Holiday gift, even nicer for a bridal shower ~ Barbizon white satin vintage nightgown:

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All available at
Vintage Pretties