Hi, all I haven't been checking in here as much, mostly because the only Internet I currently have is on my antique iPhone and also I have greatly cut back my shopping as sales at the flea market have slowed and I am trying to rid myself of, well, too much crap.
A friend (Ookoo) shot me a message to check in here.
Hi trapman, I gave a brief description of the scene at the market where I got these. I honestly did not see ANY other womens costumes or clothing other than what I bought and a pair of costume boots that were snappped up just before me. I tried to buy them off the woman but she said her daughters would want them.
Mostly furniture, ranging from antique and deco to ikea stuff.
There was a beautiful painting a guy bought that I now wonder if it could have been a pertrait of her???
I hope you got those scrap books. I remember them being pricy and I don't do ephemera, but they were huge and amazing!
I will shoot you an email in a bit.