One of my own favorite bags, from Haiti


Staff member
VFG Past President
I have a really cute, colorful straw purse that looks like a little picnic basket, that also happens to be one of my favorite bags, and part of my own collection.

It was made in Haiti, and as much as I don't want to part with this bag, I really want to try to help in any little way possible with the relief efforts. 100% of the proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontière.

Would anyone be interested in having one of my favorites be one of your favorites?
Vintage Colorful Straw Bag from Haiti...for Haiti on eBay now:

That's a beautiful gesture, Maggie. And a beautiful bag.

Good luck with your auction, and I hope it raises so much money that it makes you feel even better about parting with it!

I'm wondering what I can do with my extremely limited resources. I suppose if you sell an item to raise funds, it doesn't have to be particularly relevant to Haiti does it?

I'm wondering what I can do with my extremely limited resources. I suppose if you sell an item to raise funds, it doesn't have to be particularly relevant to Haiti does it?

Sarah, I've noticed that there are quite a few eBay auctions benefiting an array of charities that support relief efforts in Haiti. Most items being sold have nothing to do with that area of the world, and that is just fine!

Take a look at the listings here.