origin of 'Electric Fittings' label? from 70's striped maxi dress

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Pinkcoke, your last comment makes me wonder - did you take the 28" measurement along the seam below the bust (the seam you mention that's about 5" below the bust)? To me that would make sense as an underbust measurement for an adult size 10 from the era.

No Jen, the 28" measurement was across the middle of the front pieces you can see and meets the top of the back piece going around, this is actually larger than the underbust!!
I think I confused you- there is no seam 5" under the bust, this was the point at which the side seams have been opened and sewn smaller. See the last picture I posted (which should in fact be vertical). I haven't measured it but the underbust may be some 2-3" smaller and the dress is this width for another 5" down... if you see what I mean?

Thankyou Marty that picture was taken backstage for a production of La Boheme I did last year that was set in the 1940's. (This was the Paris cafe scene if you know it -my twin sister on the left was an ice skater entertaining the customers)
Hi Pincoke,
Where abouts in the UK are you?
It's always nice to have fellow vintage lovers in the local area......:USETHUMBUP:
sharon xx