OT. Vintage Pineapple Ice Bucket.

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Already a gaggle of bids!

I have a feeling that my expectations on bidding on and winning the pineapple are slim to none as if my predictions are correct, the price will climb higher than the life sized tree that its real counterpart would have grown from

Good for you, Linda!!
wow! I can't believe this is taking off so much, I'm impressed!

I *love* the pineapple ice-buckets, they're so 60s in a kitsch kind of a way which is how all cocktail/drinking related objects should be! But in the UK most people wrinkle their nose up at pineapple ice bucketrs because of a comedy character called Del-Boy who thought he was it and had some very far-out memorabilia in his house to make himself seem important.

My Nan had a very posh house full of mahogany and walnut furniture, and even her garden furniture and Christmas-tree decorations were from Harrods... but when you opened her huge cocktail cabinet it was full of novelty straws (glass ones with fruit at the end so that it looked as though someone had dropped a miniature apple or orange in your glass) little pink elephants (that were actually ice cubes but encased in plastic so they didn't melt into your drink and water down your brandy and watering down of brandy was illegal at Nana's parties) and tremendously groovy cocktail sticks that had 1950s starlets in skimpy bikinis on them. Even her cocktail napkins (the little diddy paper ones you put under drinks instead of coasters) were expensive ones that looked like they had embroiderey, lace or cut-work round the edges.

So I love all this stuff immencely. It was one of those exciting things in a family home that you only get to see on special occasions if they'll let you stay up really late! She also had a fab pack of cards that they'd use at her parties that had scantily clad ladies on them. I loved those cards. Keep nagging everyone "did you get Nana's cards?" but no-one admits to it. I'd have loved them, they were fab. I used to think the ladies on the pictures were so deeply glamorous... didn't realise it was all a bit risque! LOL!

love, moons and starrs,
There's a cabinet full of 50s-60s random cocktail accessories at my parents' - I remember rooting thru it at various moments of childhood boredom and finding, yes, the novelty cocktail stirrers.

It smelled of an exact meld of: stale icing, paper doiley(sp?), wood polish, silver polish and sweet-brandy-dregs. Oh, and 10 year old cherry jars.
(clearly we wore out our parents - they never entertained)

there's some interesting stuff there, but no Pineapple ice bucket, more's the pity..
