Patterns - HELP needed...


VFG Member
I haven't sold patterns in quite some time and just got this load of 1930s-40s patterns. Which makers are the most desirable? And should I sell these individually, or in pairs or groups? Any help is appreciated.

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I dunno..check the article on the home page for companies, etc... i usually just go desirability of styles, condition, etc, and graphics. gowns for me have always done better for people making their own wedding dress/prom dress/special occassion/event gown even if the original pattern wasn't intended for that use.

all i know is that re-enactors, and other people seeking to wear will probably be very interested in some of these aside from people who jsut like patterns.

These look all the same bust size, were they from the same person/estate?

maybe someone else will come along and give you better info...
The last time I sold 40s patterns, I lotted in numbers of 8. Started them at $24.99 and that is what I sold them for.

On the older patterns, I don't think it matters about the name. As you get to newer ones, I think Vogue and Butterick do better.
I try them individually, then if they don't sell , after a while put them in lots according to size and era.

BUT, these WILL sell, especially the 30s ones. I put up about 12 similar ones in my V-C Mall store about a month ago, and most of them are now sold. I've found that gowns and fancy coats are very desirable, along with dresses with great details like the Vogue one you have.

And I LOVE the cape and hat one!

These were all from the same estate, so they are probably all the same size. They appear to all date between about 1935 and 1945.

Okay, I will try them individually first and then lump what doesn't sell together and relist later.

Is $9.99 each too much to start them off at?