Photo bombed vintage

I can't find the pics where Hennessey was photo bombing right now but here is one where my beautiful granddaughter Riley jumped in in the middle of a photoshoot.
Loving all the pet photobombs but my two little darlings have no chance at getting in Circa pics: they're all taken at the shop whilst the cats stay at home.

I'm such a cat lover any kitty photo bomb will endear me to the seller but my allergy to dog fur (and dislike of their often smelliness) will put me off vintage with dogs, sorry - or if I really love it, I'll give it a good wash when it arrives. I once turned down a charity calendar opportunity when they told me the models would be wearing my clothing and holding dogs.

This is Lily helping out. I tried to pose her with a scarf, but it was just a blur:). She wants to model at her convenience, not mine. I never delete pictures of my cats; well, I do, only if they're duplicates. I have more cat pics than I do human pics.oopsemoti If only I could train Lily and Rosie to sit on each edge of my backdrop paper; too bad they aren't dogs. Dogs would do that. Cats, not so much.


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You all have beautiful animals. I love seeing and reading about them all.

Cat's granddaughter is so pretty and precious too.