Pictures! Black & Red Ceil Chapman, Detail Nanty Pictures


VFG Member
Pam, these are beautiful dresses!
Can we have a full shot of the Ceil, and maybe a close up on that great detail on the Nanty, and any others you would like to add.
We love pictures! :)

Any detail you can add would be great also...
Metal zips, pinked seams, boning, condition...? etc...

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I'm just adding bits of Pams previous postings here, so some of the label names are all in one spot. :)

<i>There is this one beautiful old school Hawaiian dress tag is <b>Betty Higgins</b>? I have been doing some research on some of the names. I came across about <b>five Nanty Dresses, 4 Ceil Chapman dresses.</b>

She did most of her shopping in NY and she traveled alot. I have several <b>vintage Christian Dior dresses, Oscar De La Renta, some beautiful French dress</b> ...have you ever heard of <b>Creations Stanley Cannes made in France</b>? There is also <b>many old men's wool tuxedo suits</b>. Not much info on men's vintage wear. She saved everything! She even left me her <b>1950 wedding gown which looks like it was just worn yesterday</b>. Complete with her shoes <b>(Fenton?)</b> gloves

Her one <b>Nanty</b> dress is so old (I'm guessing from around 1947/1948 because I know she got married in 1950 and this dress is a couple years before that. It's so fragile and brittle like. I believe she wore it to a debut...that is what she had marked on the box

I was wondering if anyone heard of <b>Emily Gowns</b> out of NY.
They were on 8th Avenue. The gown was worn in 1950.
I still have the box it was packed it. The gown is beautiful with gloves, shoes, veil, etc. Also the 3 piece Bridal Bedroom Set lingerie (as marked on box)

Here are some of the labels I found so far:
<b>Tina Lesser
Eisa LeslieFay
Les Elles Leron
Grenelle Roberts
Joan Leslie
Getty Miller
Nan Duskin
Tons of Bergdorf Goodman
El Dorri
Donald Brooks
R. Keith by Thom Parker</b></i>
Wow! What a lot of very nice things!

Pam, you've come to the right place as we all love old clothes and love looking at what others have. I'm a Tina Leser fan myself, and am dying to see pictures.

And Pringle, as in cashmere!

I know this must be overwhelming, but as someone suggested on the other thread, why not post a few a day and just let us help fighure out what you have.

I love the Nanty! How lovely. And Ceil Chapman is always good.

I just took a look and ebays Ceil market still looks reasonably healthy.

This is a black label Ceil also... which I "think" was the higher end label?
I don't know Ceils well, but I think that beading and trim is also a bit unusual for her dresses.
Thanks everyone for being so kind. If I only knew how to work my camera and get these pics up. I am charging my battery now both died on me. I will take some more pics later and have my hubby help me send to Lynn who has been wonderful and kind! I am so excited about Pat's clothes and learning alot about clothes in the process.
I can't promise my pics will look anything like the ones you take but I will do my best. I will take some pics of the Leslie Fay (tag looks like older design) and the pringle. If anyone wants to see pics of anything let me know. Thanks again!
Love Ya Pam
Oh my gosh, Pam!
You've been left a vintie's DREAM!!

What a great assortment of labels! And the dresses themselves certainly don't disappoint!

Can't wait to see MORE MORE MORE! :drool:
I agree the Nanty dress is so romantic & unique..
These piccies are sufficient for getting an idea, dont feel bad...
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I think I have one/two more Nanty's. The one really old one is definetly her style but unable to locate a tag. That green Nanty looks like a prom style dress it has netting under. I'll take some better pics of my better dresses later this afternoon.
I WANT THEM ALL....doesnt matter that l am too BIG !!!!

if only l came across items like these!!!

lucky must be all overwhelmed with these.....WE CAN & WILL HELP not worry.....thats what we are here for.....we are all mad for!!!

like others l lurk and watch and when l have soemthing helpfull to say (or not) l'll chip in....

cant wait to see MORE PLEASE!!
These would be worth investing in a form for...if you're selling.

Yes, post and post again, not only do we drool over such things, but we want to see everyone here get a good price.
