Poppys Vintage Clothing - new ebay website I've launched


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Poppys Vintage Clothing - new ebay website I\'ve launched

Hi everyone,

Well, I have finally done it…opened up a new ebay website dedicated to vintage clothing only. I felt it’s time to start selling off the collection before my basement and 1 room upstairs explodes. I think it is best to sell the clothes separately from my other ebay site where I sell mainly antiques and collectibles.

If you have a moment, please come by and visit. There will be a lot more items to come and I’m sure a lot more interesting items will crop us as I dig deeper into the piles.

Hi Chris, Deborah and Harriet,

Tks for coming to take a peek....I'll let my hubby know you appreciate his photos.

Harriet, I guess you are referring to the templates, as the background thingy. In Vendio you can really play with these, it's time consuming to come up with them, as there are many different components to change around, but I think it's worth it.

When I get around to selling off a lot of this stuff, I will send photos of my workspace to the thread...too crowded here now to do it. Probably by January 2007!

Let's hope we all have a good week selling!
Template - that's it!!!

I am too deeply ashamed to share photographs, lol. Am actually sat here with a tape measure and 8 rolling racks bracing myself for another re-organising session... not buying more clothing would probably be easier but where's the sense in that! :D