Present from my fiance: Green Biba shoes

Roxy De La Lune

Registered Guest
My fiance and I had a lovely day out last Saturday:kiss:

He bought these shoes for me:bouncing:

He knew how much I wanted some Biba shoes.

I won't be upset if you tell me they are modern, as I expect they are, so please, if you have any info do post.

I am just happy to have them, they are lovely and a great keepsake of a great day out.

So thank you Richard (my fiance if you hadn't guessed:roll: lol) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :love008::kiss2:
Thanks girls,

Yes, doesn't matter they aren't 60's (although I hope to own some one day!) they rock !:headbang: and they're not something you see everyday.
Sometimes just an item being different instead of vintage is enough for me. I love the color and that they are suede had my attention...

Knock out job for the honey to get those for hubby knows nothing of fashion or my size to even consider buying me something to wear ...........:clapping::USETHUMBUP:
I'm not sure of the exact year, I wasn't quite so up on these things at the time but I do recall spreads in the papers about the 'relaunch' of Biba. I think it was mid 90s, I believe they were sold out of concessions in department stores. I'm not sure if there was an actual shop, although I vaguely recall someone mentioning it recently.
