Princess Anne wears vintage

Go her!

I read recently that Prince Charles has been spotted frequently this winter wearing his father's 1940s coat. You can see it here.

I'd heard about Anne rewearing her things, but hadn't realised she goes that far back in her wardrobe! I admit, I don't always like her style, but kudos for her for doing it and for being able to do so - even if you keep your weight, your body does change with age... Though there are bright colors and some flashier items, you can see that a lot of it are more classic styles that do not look dated the next year.

My mom's best friend does the same. Her husbands were all well off and she was able to buy expensive clothes (not couture, but RTW designer brands before fashion became cheap, real Vuitton bags before everybody had them etc.). She has very good taste and goes for classic, chic looks - she has 20 year old suits in her closet that she still wears and people go "this is great, where did you buy this" when they see her. And then they are suprised when she tells them...
I admit, I don't always like her style
I know what you mean Karin, but I found myself actually liking a couple of these repeat outfits, and yes, kudos to her for her recycling!
Many years ago when I was visiting Hartnell, one of the seamstresses was repairing a chiffon evening gown for the Queen Mother. She was appliqueing small pieces over some holes on the back hip. Apparently she frequently put her hand with diamond bracelets behind her and snagged the chiffon.
The English have always been better about buying good classic designs, instead of the latest avant garde. In a conversation with Hardy Amies, he told me about going to a wedding where many of the ladies were wearing older HA designs. He was quite proud of that.
According to Sir Hardy, the English spend more on their horses than their clothes.
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