I thought early 70s - 72ish? Anyway, now I want to keep it as it was a real 'needs a form to be on' dress (rather than a hanger dress, if you know what I mean! :duh: )
Ohhh yes, that's a lovely one! Now's probably not the time to be keeping Varons, they seem to have shot up in value on ebay - gone are the days when I'd get them for a relative pittance. Still, I amassed quite a collection while prices were lower! Trouble is, now I can't bear to sell them ;)
Thanks everyone. Sadly it has to go (even though I'm pretty sure it fits but daren't try it on) because this morning the most fabulous 40s cape back jacket ever arrived that I have no choice but to keep, so one in one out and all that....
I shall try and take some pics of the Jean Varon 'replacement item' later, after I've finished practising swooping around some more in it. So I am a little less sad now :D
Well I sold the Varon, which is great as she was areally nice buyer. And now I can enjoy my cape less guiltily - no time for pics yet so here is the auction:
Harriet, the cape jacket is fabulous! I don't blame you for wanting that one for yourself! (And what a great price on it, too!) I have a 40's short jacket that's kind of swingy--maybe I'd better get at listing it!
She was a really sweet seller too. It's not perfect though, but definitely worth the money as I've not come across another I like so much.. so yes, get out your swingy jackets!
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