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  1. jessica vega

    jessica vega Registered Guest

    I found this coat in my Great Great grandma's closet, I was wondering if any body knows about this tag and the type of fur.
    The tag looks a little blurr but thats how it originally looks...

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  2. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

  3. MagsRags

    MagsRags VFG President Staff Member

    And looks like persian lamb - see VFG Fur Resource, accessible from the main VFG.org page
  4. jessica vega

    jessica vega Registered Guest

    I was also thinking it's lamb and the Tag I have no Idea.. But Russian maybe I can use the Translate in Google..
  5. peaceful vintage

    peaceful vintage Administrator VFG Past President

    It is lamb. If it were from Russia it would be called Astrakhan but it is also referred to as Persian lamb or Karakul/Caracul are as well.

    I'm not familiar with the label itself and cannot make out what the words say.
  6. Esther

    Esther Registered Guest

    I'm pretty sure the label is in Russian. It's not my mother language but i can read it a little.
    I think the second word on top is 'CCCP' so USSR - Soviet Union. The main words look like 'Mekhovoy Kombinat', the name of the manufacturer.
    If the first word on the bottom is ''MCCP' (i'm not really sure), that would make it 'Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic', probably followed by a name of a city.
    The rest i can't make out either.

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